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1980-2000 Designers | History of Design

1980-2000 Designers

Neville Brody

Neville Brody is an eminent name among the twentieth century English graphic designers. His versatility extends to art direction and typography as well. His well-known works include his contribution to The Face and Arena magazines. Moreover, he designed record covers for several famous music artists, including Cabaret Voltaire and Depeche Mode.


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April Greiman

April Greiman is an influential contemporary American graphic designer. Her innovative ideas and transmedia projects have taken the world by storm. She is considered one of the first designers to see computer in a different light, who realized its potential as a design tool. She is recognized for introducing the ‘New Wave’ design style in the US. Greiman is the director of a design consultancy, Made in Space, based in Los Angeles.



David Carson

David Carson is a prominent contemporary graphic designer and art director. His unconventional and experimental graphic style revolutionized the graphic designing scene in America during 1990s. He was the art director of the magazine Ray Gun, in which he introduced the innovative typographies and distinct layouts. He is claimed to be the godfather of ‘grunge typography’ which he employed perpetually in his magazine issues.


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Stefan Sagmeister

Stefan Sagmeister is a renowned Austrian-born US based contemporary graphic designer and typographer. He is the co-founder of the famous design firm, Sagmeister & Walsh, which he established in partnership with Jessica Walsh. His intriguing and provocative designs redefined the status of graphic designers. Some of his notable designs are showcased on the album covers of The Rolling Stones, Pat Metheny, David Byrne and OK Go.


The Rolling Stones – Bridges of Babylon

Lou Reed – “Set the Twilight Reeling”

Levi’s Billboard, SoHo, NYC



Susan Kare

Susan Kare is one of the notable contemporary American graphic designers. During 1980s, she developed many of the interface elements for the Apple Macintosh. She worked as a creative director for the company NeXT that Steve Jobs founded after leaving Apple.




Icons by Susan Kare



Chip Kidd

Chip Kidd is a contemporary American graphic designer, author and editor. He is best recognized as graphic designer for book covers. Being a huge admirer of comic books he not only wrote some of those for DC Comics but also designed their covers.



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