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Class Lectures | History of Design

AI portrait for $432,500

Christie’s has sold its first piece of AI art, a canvas named the Portrait of Edmond Belamy, for $432,500. The sale is unusual not only as a first for the 252-year-old auction house, but because the expected price for the print was between $7,000 and $10,000. AI...

Mid Semester List

Art 85 MidTerm Lascaux Cave painting, France. 17,000 BP http://art85.patrickaievoli.com/?p=75 Ishango Bone Use to measure, keep tally. Found in Africa http://art85.patrickaievoli.com/?p=75 Petroglyphs Carvings on rocks. Southwest USA...

How type is made

Casting Metal Type from Dave Keyes on Vimeo. Traditional letterpress printing requires physical letters, cast from metal or carved from wood, which get inked and pressed into paper to make a print. In the next two blog posts, we’ll take an introductory look into how...

Week 7-8

Edison – (1847-1931) Inventor Thomas Edison created such great innovations as the practical incandescent electric light bulb and the phonograph. A savvy businessman, he held more than 1,000 patents for his inventions.   Who Was Thomas Edison? Thomas Alva Edison...